Banana Grower’s Tips

1. What are the key nutrients for banana planting?


    • Uptake of macronutrients is in the following mass order: Potassium (K) > Nitrogen (N) > Calcium (Ca) > Magnesium (Mg) > Phosphorus (P).
    • N:K ratio for optimum banana yields is recommended between 1:1.2 and 1:1.6. Low N:K ratio results in:
    • Ripe banana finger drops off easily during harvesting, especially during hot, wet
    • Delay in bunch
    • Widely spread hands, easily damaged during
    • Fruit pedicles are fragile and when ripe, fruit fall from the bunch
    • Reduced environmental resistance, example strongConstant need for K throughout the growth period, 80% of K application should be done before peak flowering and early fruiting.
    • Smaller K rates at early stages, increased K rates in month before and after flowering.
    • Solutions:

    • NIFOSK S 15-5-20+2MgO+25S+TE.
      – N:K ration of 1:1.3.
      – Provide sufficient nutrient requirement of K and N during fruiting
      – N:K ratio of 1:3.
      – Quick supply of high K nutrient either by apply to soil or foliar



    2. Why The banana fruit quality is inferior and the peel splits during ripening?


    • Calcium deficiency symptoms include spike leaves (leaves in which the banana is deformed or almost absent).
    • In Calcium deficient plants, fruit quality is inferior and the skin splits when
    • Other symptoms of damage with deficiency of Calcium such as youngest leaf become abnormal in size, leaf margins become dry and cause the spike leaf in which the lamina on new leaves is
    • Overdosed of Nitrogen caused higher amount of water been carried to banana fruits, with sudden wet and hot weather plus high

    • Uderdosed of Calcium or/and Boron. Why Ca is difficult to manage?
      • Ca is immobile nutrient and do not redistribute within the plant. Ca does not move to areas of active growth. Deficiency symptoms show up in the new growth first and most end part of
      • Ca needs to be supplied continuously to make sure each part of active growth especially fruit will get sufficient
      • Ca strengthens the cell wall but it needs to be supported by sufficient binder nutrient such as Boron or
      • Most Ca fertilizer comes with form of either too fast to dissolve or too low in solubility, it reduces the efficiency of Ca absorption to
      • Solutions:


    • Contains 4 nutrients that needed to fruiting specially to avoid fruit cracking; Potassium for better fruit size, Mg for better photosynthesis, Ca for better fruit wall cell, S for better fruit
    •  Fully soluble; consist partially quick available nutrients and partially slow released for longer effect. It provides sufficient quick Ca and long-term Ca supply.


    • Ca strengthens the fruit cell wall and reduces the risk of fruit cracking. Additional B playing role like glue to make sure the fruit is stronger to avoid crack.
    • Fast dissolved to supply quick Ca & B during peak growth of



    3. Can I use foliar fertilizer to supplement the nutrient requirement for banana?

    • The banana roots readily absorb most mineral nutrients. However, the extensive leaf area of banana leaves makes them also a good way to absorb nutrients. Indeed, there are many advantages as follows:
      • When certain nutrients are fixed and immobile in the
      • When deficiencies are detected and a quick correction is
      • When root activity is inactive or stressed by high soil temperature, poor aeration, nematodes, or damage by
      • When direct soil application is limited due to weed
    • Solution:
      • Nisol Series
      • Quick absorption by plant for quick effect and uniform spread of


    4. Which fulvic acid help the growth of banana?

    • Fulvic acid is one of the components of humic substances generally obtained from humic soil. Fulvic acid has the effect of facilitating the absorption of fertilizer by plants and improving the soil
    • By encapsulating the minerals for photosynthesis, such as ferum and magnesium ions, fulvic acid enables plants to absorb minerals
    • Benefits of fulvic acid:
      • Activation of photosynthesis: Fulvic acid wrap the mineral components in the soil and efficiently transport them into plant cells (chelating effect). Iron and magnesium ions are indispensable for photosynthesis, and fulvic acid promotes the function of transporting those ions in the soil into plant cells by a chelating effect, thereby leading to activation of
      • Efficient absorption of fertilizer: In situations where the fertilizer component is not sufficiently dissolved in the soil, the addition of fulvic acid promotes the elution of the fertilizer component into the
      • Promotion of soil aggregation: soil aggregation is promoted by fulvic acid mediating iron and aluminum, one of the constituents of the soil particles, to bind the soil particles



    • Fulvita Soluble
    • Fulvita Granular
